
Saturday, April 4, 2015

Jaxtastic Life Spring Cleaning 30-Day Challenge - April 4, 2015 – Do You Love It?

We continue in action mode. We have the same 10 steps as yesterday but we will ask the question. “Do you love it?”

Step 1 – Review your Goal
What goal did you set yesterday? Read it, feel it, own it.

Step 2 - Go to Your Chosen Location
Go to the location you selected yesterday.

Step 3 – Create 2 zones: “Keep” and “Holding Space”
Use bins or just pieces of paper to mark the zones.

Step 4 – Set your timer for 15-30 minutes MAX
Decide on your time and stick to it.

Step 5 - Grab & Drop
Pick-up 1 item and ONE ITEM ONLY.
Look at it and ask yourself, “Do you love it?”

Yes, I am asking you how you feel about the item. We know you’ve worn it in the past year. We know that it fits. Now it’s time to get clear on how you feel about it.

If the answer is “Love it,” then put it in the “Keep” zone.
If the answer is “Not so much,” the put it in the “Holding Space” zone.

Be HONEST. You will get more out of this if you are brutally honest with yourself.

Step 6 - STOP – When the Timer Goes Off
REALLY!!!! STOP!!!! I don’t care if you are in a groove. I don’t care if you are having fun. STOP!!!!

Step 7 – Return “Keep” Items
Place the “Keep” items back from where you got them.

Step 9 – Place “Holding Space” Items
Anything in the “Holding Space” zone, place them in your “Holding Space” you created yesterday.
DO NOT touch anything in the holding space until we get to that day in our week.

Step 10 - Reflect & Congratulate
Give yourself a pat on the back. You did it!!! Was this hard? Was this easy? Are you sad about the items you placed in the “Holding Space”? Just reflect on how it all went.  Don’t make any of it good or bad. Just observe.

Tomorrow – Motivation Sunday


Use the comments area to share your progress, thoughts, hopes, fears, etc. You never know what impact your words will have on someone else.

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